hem...bagi nak2 muda indonesia...pst bnyk yg gtw dh lagu ne...
tp jgn dikira ne lagu cupu n dari band ga tkenal ya....aws yg brani ngmg gt...sini tampol2an m w...
tuh lagu dari grup band punk rock asal AS yaitu All Time Low...
yg tggl 4 agustus 2010 ntr manggung di Indonesia...dh pada tw blum ne?
yg blm bs dliat di sini neh...
ayo2...yg mw ntn sp...brgkt bareng yak....
oya...kembali lg ke topik...
lagu painting flower adalah salah satu hit dari mereka pren...n ne jd salah satu lagu dlm OST ALICE IN WONDERLAND...pd tw kan film ne?
yg blm tw kshan bgd dah....hahaha...emg c dari segi skenario krg dpt attention penonton...tp efek n kualitas akting aktor2 nya bner2 bgus low....
udh lah malah ngelantur kemana2 lg...ntr q posting deh...ttg All Time Low n Alice In Wonderland personally
kn sesuai kata2 w di postingan sblmnya..bkal aq posting ttg lagu2 yg gampang genjrengannya...neh slh satunya guys...
(music awalan)G D Am C
Verse 1:
Strange maze, what is this place?
I hear voices over my shoulder
Am C
Nothing's making sense at all
Wonder, why do we race?
And everyday we're running in circles
Nothing's make sense at all
Pre chorus:
Am C
Tried to open up my eyes
I'm hoping for a chance to make it alright
When I wake up, the dream isn't done
Am C
I wanna see your face and know I made it home
If nothing is true, what more can I do?
Am C
I am still painting flowers for you
Verse 2:
Throw my cards, give you my heart
Wish we could start all over
Am C
Nothing's making sense at all
Pre chorus:
Am C
Tried to open up my eyes
I'm hoping for a chance to make it alright
Chorus 2:
When I wake up, the dream isn't done
Am C
I wanna see your face and know I made it home
If nothing is true, what more can I do?
Am C
I am still painting flowers for you
Am Cm
I am still painting flowers for you
(C) G
I heard everything you said
I don't wanna lose my head
Chorus 3:
G D <= Strum softly and once
When I wake up, the dream isn't done
Am C
I wanna see your face and know I made it home
If nothing is true, what more can I do?
Am C
I am still painting flowers for you
Am Cm
I am still painting flowers for you
Am C
I am still painting flowers for you
ok dicoba y fren2...aq ksh link downloadnya neh...
oya...ada aplikasi keren jg neh bro...compatible ama winamp kalian2...cara pakenya jg mudah...
tggl diaktifin...klik judul lagu yg anda mw...klik tombol start di aplikasi ne...ntr otomatis dicariin chordnya klo lagunya dimaenin...simple n mudah...jd ga perlu repot2 cr chord klo lg pusing...hehehe
easy chord,http://www.ziddu.com/download/3573983/EasyChords.exe.html
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*goes to dl painting flower*